Unable to connect to sharepoint site

After successfull installation of TFS, when trying to create a new team project, first few steps completes, but then it says “unable to connect to sharepoint site” and stops.
In the server, Default Website is on port 80 : Displays sharepoint “Home”. Sharepoint admin is on port: 26442 : Displays “Sharepoint Central Admin”.
TFS is on port 8080: Displays “Access Forbidden”!! when directly browsed from http://servername:8080. The team explorer successfully connects to the TFS with the same username and password.
1. Check the port number of Sharepoint Central Administration virtual directory. (For me, it was 26442)
2. Now, in IIS, browse Registration.asmx under ‘Services’ under “Team Foundation Server” virtual directory.
3. Click GetRegistrationEntries web service, without giving any parameter, click “Invoke”
4. In the resulting XML, search for
WssAdminService http://:17012/_vti_adm/admin.asmx
5. See “url” element, and the port number in that URL should be same as that in step 1.(For me it was 17012)
6. If not, change the port number of Sharepoint Central Administration to the one in the url in step 5. (17012)
The reason I understand is that if we are installing WSS SP1 or SP2 couple of times, it assigns different port numbers to the sharepoint admin vdir.