Working with Set,List,Map and Properties as attributes

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We have seen examples of having a classA as one of the attributes of another classB. We also have cases wherein the attributes of the class are a List of another object(classA).
Example File : Bill
public class Bill { private Listabc; }
File : ABC
Public class ABC{ Private double amount; Private double discount; }
For such cases, the value for the List or any other similar collection needs to be injected through framework, which involves a slight syntactical change.
Step 1 :
Create the POJO which is going to be one of the attributes of another class.File :
package com.simpleCodeStuffs; public class Amount { private double bill; public double getBill() { return bill; } public void setBill(double bill) { this.bill = bill; } @Override public String toString(){ return("amount "+bill); } }
Step 2 :
CollectionBean is a class, which has a list,set,map,properties of another Object as its attributes. Just to enhance the understanding, we take it that CollectionBean may have a List of any Object as its attributes. Hence the attributes are defined as List of Object and likewise.
File :
package com.simpleCodeStuffs; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; public class CollectionBean { private ListstringListVariable; private List
Step 3 : Main class to print the details of the attributes
File :
package com.simpleCodeStuffs; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import com.simpleCodeStuffs.Amount; import com.simpleCodeStuffs.CollectionBean; public class MainClass { public static void main(String[] args) { ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("Beans.xml"); CollectionBean bean=(CollectionBean)context.getBean("testBean"); Amount amt=(Amount)context.getBean("amount"); System.out.println("List of String:\t"+bean.getStringListVariable()); System.out.println("List :\t"+bean.getListVariable()); System.out.println("set :\t"+bean.getSetVariable()); System.out.println("Map :\t"+bean.getMapVariable()); System.out.println("Properties :\t"+bean.getPropVariable()); } }
Step 4 :
This is the main change. For each of the collection variables, the way in which the value is injected in the configuration metadata has a syntax change.
File : Beans.xml
A Simple List Of String 2 Set of Objects 09.5 4 properties 56.9
The first example shown, âstringListVariableâ is simply to state the means by which multiple values of a simple Data type can be injected into the list. The other variables take values of type Object. Hence, first an Integer, then a String is inserted.
The third one is to show how a reference to another bean can be inserted as a value to the list/set/map. The fourth one shows how an inner bean can be defined and the value inserted to the list/set/map. Note here that, while defining an inner bean, there is no need to mention the beanId as it has limited scope to only the outer bean which defines it.
Step 5 : Run the application. The output appears as :-

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