Struts 2 tag not working in Display tag – Solution

Consider a scenario, such that you want to display a value of a column based on certain condition.
For example:
if a student’s marks is greater than 50 display as ‘pass’, if its less than 50 then display as ‘fail’. For this scenario, in a display tag, most of us result in the following code snippet.
<display:table name="ranklist" id="row" pagesize="10" requestURI="rankAction" > <s:if test="%{mark > 50}"> <display:column title="Status">Pass</display:column> </s:if> <s:elseif test="%{mark < 50}"> <display:column title="Status">Fail</display:column> </s:elseif> </display:table>
But here unfortunately this code does not works, because the variable “mark”is not reachable inside the display tag, since it is not associated with current display table.
** UPDATE: Struts 2 Complete tutorial now available here.
Solution :
So the correct way of coding is:
<display:table name="ranklist" id="row" pagesize="10" requestURI="rankAction" > <display:column property="userName" title="User Name" /> <s:if test="%{#attr.row.mark > 50}"> <display:column title="Status">Pass</display:column> </s:if> <s:elseif test="%{#attr.row.mark < 50}"> <display:column title="Status">Fail</display:column> </s:elseif> </display:table>
Generalized way to access the struts 2 tag via display tag is :- #attr.tableIdName.tableField. So the only way to access a struts 2 tag inside displaytag, is to follow the above syntax.
Example : To access a property tag inside display tag :
<s:property name="userId" value="#attr.row.userId" />
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