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Show and Update your pro license

Show and Update your pro license


Now that we have seen in the previous tutorials to add a license file (trial or original) to SOAPUI. In case of trial license, it expires after 14 days. So we need to update the license details and view it once updated.

Let’€™s see how to update and view the license details in SOAPUI Pro using the steps discussed in detail.

Before updating or viewing the license file to Pro, make sure it has the license file in it. Otherwise, add a file using the previous tutorials.

Update license file:

Step 1: To update a license file in SOAPUI Pro, click on Help menu as shown in the image.
Update and view license details

Step 2: From the dropdown menu, choose Update License option.
Update and view license details


Step 3: Choose the latest license (trial/ original) file location using Browse and Click OK.
Update and view license details

Step 4: Clicking on OK will update the SOAPUI Pro with the latest license file.

Thus the license file is updated in SOAPUI Pro. Now to view the updated or the added license file to PRO, follow the steps below.

View License details:

Step 1: Click on Help menu and choose Show License details option as shown in the image below.

Update and view license details

Step 2: This will display the license details in the About window as shown in the image below.

Update and view license details

Thus the license can be viewed in SOAPUI Pro.

Note: There is an option to deactivate a license file added.

Step 1: To do so, click on Help –> Deactivate License option. This will prompt you to choose yes or no.

Update and view license details

Step 2: Deactivating your license disables some features of PRO and runs your PRO in Courtesy mode.