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How to create a new project in SOAPUI PRO???

How to create a new project in SOAPUI PRO???



Creating a project in PRO is same as that of the Beta version (open source). Some of the features discussed in PRO make it better and different than Beta.


Let’€™s see the steps discussed below to create a project in PRO.

Step 1: Click on soapUI 4.5.1.exe, this will open the SOAPUI PRO as shown.

Create a new project in PRO



Step 2: SOAPUI is displayed as shown.


Create a new project in PRO


The window and its panes are described in image as shown below.

Create a new project in PRO


Step 3: To create a new project, Click on File –>  New SOAPUI Project.

Create a new project in PRO



Step 4: New SOAPUI project is displayed as shown in figure. This allows the user to select various options while creating a project.

Create a new project in PRO


Step 5: In the above window just give the project name and provide the wsdl url or wsdl file location by clicking on Browse and click on OK as shown in the image below.

For sample testing, use the wsdl url provided.

Create a new project in PRO


Step 6: Clicking on OK, will display the progress of loading definition as shown below.

Create a new project in PRO


Step 7: Thus the soapui Pro project is created successfully as shown in the image below.

The various components available in a project are explained in the forth coming tutorials.