Handling double form submissions in Struts2

Double form submissions(either by refreshing or by hitting the browser back button) can be irritating and in some cases leads to big problem .Luckly struts2 has a build in functionality that prevents such scenarios :<s:token/> tag and token interceptor. As an example, let’s say that we have a form that looks like this:
** UPDATE: Struts 2 Complete tutorial now available here.
In order to prevent double submissions all we have to do is to add
/inputPage.jsp /invalidToken.jsp /successPage.jsp
Note that “invalid.token” result in the above action declaration actually means that in the case of invalid token the user should be redirected in invalidToken.jsp
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its block even first time request..
please reply
i tried adding the interception in my struts.xml and along with its result as invalid.token
and then added the in my jsp page,
when i try to access the form for the first time its not allowing me to enter into form instead its directly showing error
whatever i have defined in the invalid_token.jsp
plz me help me out
This will work but after adding
to struts.xml, Serverside field/action validation is not working..
Kindly do me help on this.
Please mail your code without library to [email protected]
Dear Mohaideen this is vamana me also similar kind of issue even for first time hit also it is throwing error. Please help me.