Eclipse Shortcuts for fast coding
List of some Shortcuts for fast coding. Traverse below and improve your coding speed by utilizing Eclipse Shortcuts.
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File navigation Short cuts
Short cuts | Description |
Alt + Shift + n | Use this shortcut key to open an new menu. |
Ctrl + n | Use this shortcut key to create a new file |
Ctrl+H | If you want to search in your program and work space use this short cut . |
CTRL + SHIFT + R | Open a resource. You need not know the path and just part of the file name is enough. |
Ctrl +E | Open a file (editor) from within the list of all open files. |
CTRL + PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN | Go to previous or next edit positions from editor history list. |
ALT + <- or ALT + -> | If you want to close the all file in editor use this shortcut key. |
Ctrl +W | If you want to close the all file in editor use this shortcut key. |
Ctrl +Shift+W | If you want to close the all file in editor use this shortcut key. |
F2,Alt +Shift+R | It is use for re-name file . |
Ctrl +Shift +G | Find the reference variable in workspace. |
Java Editing Short cuts
Short cuts | Description |
Ctrl+Shift+F | This short cut use to formatting the code . |
Ctrl+Space | Type assist |
Ctrl+O | Displays every one of the methods and variables in addition to methods available in the current class that’s selected. |
Ctrl+Shift+O | This Shortcut use for Organized import . |
Ctrl+Shift+U | Find the reference of a file . |
Ctrl+/,Ctrl+7 | Single Line comment . |
Ctrl+Shift+/ | Add block Comment . |
Ctrl+Shift+\ | Remove the block comment. |
F3 | Go to the declaration of the variable |
F4 | Show the type hierarchy of an class. |
Ctrl+T | Show the inheritance tree of current token . |
Shift+f2 | Show the Java Doc for current token. |
Alt Shift Z | Add the try and catch block |
Editing Short cuts
Short cuts | Description |
F12 | Focus on current editor |
Ctrl +L | Find the Line number. |
Ctrl+D | This short cut use for delete the single row. |
Ctrl +M | This short cut use for maximize and minimize the editor. |
Debug and Run Eclipse short cuts
Short cuts | Description |
F11 | Start the Debug . |
Ctrl+F11 | Run the last program or project. |
Ctrl .Or , | To Navigate the next and previous error . |
F5 | Step Into. |
F6 | Step Over. |
F8 | Resume . |
Ctrl+Q | Add Inspect |
Ctrl +1 | Quick fix code. |
Some Extra Short cuts
Short cuts | Description |
Alt +Shift +B | Add the toggle breakpoint . |
Alt +Shift+c | Change the method signature . |
Alt +Shift+S,R | Generate the setter and getter method . |
Alt +Shift+X,J | Run As java Application . |
Alt +Shift+X,R | Run As web application . |
Alt +Enter | Show The Property. |
Alt +Shift+X,A | Run As Applet . |
String to StringBuffer /StringBuilder
In order to change the concatenation from String to StringBuffer /StringBuilder, move the cursor to the String variable, and press Ctrl +1, and select ‘Use StringBuffer//StringBuilder for string concatenation’
For eg, String s = “a”+”b”+”c”+”d”;
will change to StringBuffer sB = new StringBuffer();
String s = sB.toString();
Thank you realyy coool