Android Updates
How To Create Analog And Digital Clocks in an Android Application using Eclipse:
In this tutorial, you will be learning How to display Toggle Button in an activity Here you go!!!! Before creating an android application using Eclipse, let us see some of the key terms involved while developing this application. ** UPDATE: Android Complete tutorial now available here. Key terms involved in this project: View: It is a data structure whose properties store the layout and content for a specific rectangular area of the screen. A View object handles measuring, its layout, drawing, focus...
read moreHow To Create Linear Layout in an Android Application using Eclipse
In this Tutorial, you will Learn 1.How to display an activity in Linear layout 2.What are the various types of linear layouts available Before creating an android application using Eclipse, let us see some of the key terms involved while developing this application. Key terms involved in this project: Layout: A layout defines the visual structure for a user interface, such as the UI for an activity or app widget. You can declare a layout in two ways: Declare UI elements in XML Instantiate layout elements at...
read moreHow to get android api version programmatically
There is different ways to get that programmatically . First method . The SDK level (integer) the phone is running is available in: android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; ** UPDATE: Android Complete tutorial now available here. The enum corresponding to this int is in the android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES class. int currentapiVersion = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (currentapiVersion < = android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.FROYO) { // Do something for froyo and above versions } else { // do something...
read moreInstalling HTC Incredible Android SDK Drivers

In order to debug on your new HTC Incredible smartphone on Windows 7, you need to install USB drivers from Google. Well, it turns out that the phone is too new for Google to have included support for the Incredible in their driver package. Here is how I got it all working though. It may or may not work for you. 1.) Install the Android SDK and download the USB drivers into a folder inside your SDK as Google tells you to do. My drivers ended up in C:\android-sdk-windows\usb_driver 2.) You next need to hack the file android_winusb.inf...
read moreHow to manually upgrade an Android smart phone or tablet

We all want the most up-to-date gadgets and therefore the most recent versions of the software that is available for them. Upgrading an Android device might take you to a newer version of the operating system like 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich or bring new features or enhancements for your smart phone or tablet. ** UPDATE: Android Complete tutorial now available here. Upgrades for Android devices are generally available over-the-air (OTA) which avoid the need for cables and a PC. They also rolled out gradually and will...
read moreHow to Find IP Address of Android SmartPhone?
You may need your android phone’s IP address for creating a media center remote, or wireless file server, there are a number of cell phone and computer applications that need your smart phone’s IP address. There are two kinds of IP Addresses. Internal IP address is the address of the device which is assigned by the router from which your phone is connected. External IP address is the address of the device assigned by the ISP (Internet Service provider). ** UPDATE: Android Complete tutorial now available...
read moreHow to configure the Android emulator to simulate the Galaxy Nexus?

What settings for the Android emulator will closely simulate the characteristics of the Galaxy Nexus as possible? Solution: You can very well go through the procedures available below to simulate the characteristics of NEXUS, Target: Google APIs – API Level 15 Skin: Built-in WXGA720 Selecting skin sets the following hardware parameters, leave them as-is: Hardware Back/Home: no Abstracted LCD density: 320 Keyboard lid support: no Max VM application heap size: 48 Device ram size: 1024 Galaxy...
read moreHow to create transparent activity in android

Sometimes, we need an activity to some processing but we need not necessarily have a UI. For this, you can do just not do a setContentView() call. This will show up an activity with the default theme applied. ** UPDATE: Android Complete tutorial now available here. But, what if you need a transparent activity? It should be showing what is behind it and still do some stuff. Just follow this post to get it done. Add the following style In your res/values/styles.xml file (if you donât have one, create it.)...
read moreHow to make an Android Spinner with initial text Select One

There is two methods to do this. One is through XML and another is through Programmatically. Method 1 : XML First, you might be interested in the “prompt” attribute of the Spinner class. See the picture below, “Choose a Planet” is the prompt that can be set in the xml with android:prompt=”” I was going to suggest subclassing Spinner, where you could maintain two adapters internally. One adapter that has the “Select One” option, and the other real adapter (with the actual options),...
read moreDebugging a service

Case: You may have written/called a service for your application that may run at the background once it is created. But when you run your application you wont be able to see the services when your activity uses the services as it runs at the background and it is not visible. But once the service is completed, it will automatically get closed. So in this case, it is not possible to debug your service like it is done manually for an activity. Solution: Please follow the steps below in order to debug your service, Step 1: In the first...
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